Observations of a Lone Wolf
Music Album by Daniel Kemble
- Type: Instrumental Music Album
- Year: 2020
- Genres: Hip hop, West Coast, EDM, Fusion, Experimental
- Mood/Style: Downtempo, Upbeat, Smooth, Cool, Background, Dark, Urban, Action, Stealth, Sneaky, Cinematic
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- "MASS HYSTERIA" | Sneaky, Urban, Action, Hip hop
- "CROWD MANIPULATION" | Action, Urban, Sneaky, Chase, Fight, Breakdance
- "LAW OF JANTE" | Action, Urban, Hip hop, Old school Trap,
- Ingroup Bias
- Power Moves
- The Gatekeeper
- Deindividuation
- Crabs in a Bucket
- Truth by Consensus
- Black Sheep Effect
- Socially Unacceptable
- Normative Influence
- Compliance
- Young Contrarian
- Nonconformist
- Groupthink, Doublethink
- Collective Narcissism
- False Consensus
- Iconoclasts
- Herd Mentality